Большой Симфонический Оркестр Всесоюзного Радио
About Большой Симфонический Оркестр Всесоюзного Радио
[b]Note:[/b] In 1993, the orchestra was renamed as [b][a=Tchaikovsky Symphony Orchestra][/b]. Please use it when printed on the release as necessary.
Established in 1930 as the first symphony orchestra of Soviet radio.
Moscow (Or Russian, or USSR) Radio & Television Symphonic Orchestra (also Philharmonic Orchestra).
Since 1993, the orchestra is now known as: Государственный академический Большой симфонический оркестр имени П.И. Чайковского = State Academic Large Symphony Orchestra named Pyotr Tchaikovsky.
1930—1937 [a=Александр Орлов] = Alexander Orlov
1937—1953 [a=Николай Голованов] = Nikolai Golovanov
1953—1961 Александр Гаук = [a=Alexander Gauk]
1961—1974 Геннадий Рождественский = [a=Gennadi Rozhdestvensky]
since 1974 — Владимир Федосеев = [a=Vladimir Fedoseyev]
[b]Orchestra Subgroups:[/b]
For the strings group of the orchestra please use: [a1485547].
For the wooden wind instruments group of the orchestra please use: [a4204970].
For the soloists’ ensemble of the orchestra please use: [a2774431].
For the chamber ensemble of the orchestra please use: [a3341823].
For the instrumental ensemble of the orchestra please use: [a7578857].
[b]Related Groups:[/b]
For the Choir / Large Choir of USSR Radio, please use: [a906873].
For the women’s group of the USSR Radio choir please use: [a4167751].

Records by Большой Симфонический Оркестр Всесоюзного Радио