Stars On 45
About Stars On 45
Dutch Project started by [a=Jaap Eggermont].
Inspired by a bootleg 12″ recorded by Alto Passion featuring [a=The Beatles] songs on a disco beat, Eggermont hired vocalists [a=Bas Muys] (as [a=John Lennon]), [a=Hans Vermeulen] (as [a=George Harrison]) and [a=Okkie Huysdens] (as [a=Paul McCartney]) to recreate the medley for official release. Coinciding with the death of Lennon, the release proved a hit not only in the Netherlands, but all over the world. Following the initial success more medleys were produced, including [a=ABBA], [a=Stevie Wonder], [a=Rolling Stones] and later, with [a=The Star Sisters], also a 1940’s [a=The Andrews Sisters] medley.
Stars on 45 were named “Stars On” for the US and “Starsound” for the UK market.

Records by Stars On 45

1 album

Stars On 45 Longplay Album (Volume II)