About Ulf Dageby
Swedish composer and musician, born May 10, 1944 in Gothenburg.
He was a member of [a251966] in 1969–1982 and has participated in recent years’ reunion concerts. He wrote several of the group’s songs, including “Barn av vår tid”, “Rövarkungens ö”, “Livet är en fest”, “Hanna från Arlöv”, “Vi cyklar runt i världen” and “Men bara om min älskade väntar”, a translation of the song “Tomorrow Is a Long Time” by Bob Dylan. At the Alternative Festival in Stockholm in 1975, he performed under the name Sillstryparn (“Sellastrôparn”) the song “Doin’ the omoralisk schlagerfestival”, which received much attention.
He has also released a number of solo albums. In recent years, he has mostly been active as a film music creator.

Records by Ulf Dageby

3 albums 1 single

Mitt Hus Är Försvunnet!