About Talking Heads
Talking Heads were an American rock band formed in 1975 in New York City and disbanded in 1991. The band was comprised of [a3918] (lead vocals, guitar), [a47110] (drums), [a47111] (bass), and [a126729] (keyboards, guitar). They released eight albums, in addition to several well received live albums.
Inducted into Rock And Roll Hall of Fame in 2002 (Performer).
Genres: New wave, Post-Punk, Art Punk, Pop Rock, Art Pop, Funk Rock, Ethno and Disco.

Records by Talking Heads

8 albums 1 maxi-single

Talking Heads: 77
More Songs About Buildings And Food
Fear Of Music
Remain In Light
Speaking In Tongues
Stop Making Sense
True Stories

Radio Head